Base Zoe

Milk base without emulsifiers
Hot process
What makes Zoe Base different is the absence of emulsifiers, especially mono- and diglycerides, considered not so healthy by the ‘healthy world’. In the new base, the emulsifying function, which is the association of fat and watery parts is replaced by proteins of a high organic value (milk proteins) and by vegetable fibers, single-variety processed (inulin).
It is a complete base, a mixture suitable for all professionals who want to stand out for the selection of ingredients, image and attention to the new demands of the modern nutrition.


dextrose, skimmed powdered milk, inulin, milk proteins, stabilizer guar and carob bean gum.

Use mode

640 g of milk, 130 g of cream, 155 g of sugar and 75 g of Base Zoe.

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